
Affiliate Program.

Affiliate program or how to earn real money by using electronic payment system Nimble Transfer.
What is Nimble Transfer? Nimble Transfer is an electronic business platform that offers its users to use a set of services and capabilities for e-business. For providing the system charges a fee of 0.6% of the transaction amount. Electronic payment system does not provide its users with referral links, but allows the user to create their own affiliate program.
Construct affiliate program.
Since the electronic payment system Nimble Transfer appeared in 2009, it is now a huge segment for the implementation of the business.
Creating affiliate program for the exchange of electronic currency. Buy, sell and exchange of electronic money can generate revenue from the deals. Each user can establish its commission or a flat fee charge for a transaction to buy, sell or exchange e-currency.
The easiest way to begin to participate in an affiliate program is to use the built-in electronic payment system service P2P money.
P2P (peer-to-peer) money is a custom service that allows users to make transactions with each other at work, I / O and the exchange of electronic currency.
To begin using the service need to create a proposal for:

  • Buying e-currency
  • Selling e-currency
  • Exchange of electronic money in the currency of other electronic payment systems
  • Cashing e-currency

P2P service is a geolocation system resource. This means that the person creating the proposal indicates its location in the world and leave contacts for communication that would conduct the transaction and that would, if necessary had the opportunity to make a personal meeting (when working with cash).

In fact the creator of this affiliate program is a dealer on his own initiative.

Moreover that would increase profits and is recommended to create a dealer site or blog. Earning a dealer depends on the volume of transactions. Since the current segment of the market is quite extensive for the participants, the dealer can earn large sums.